New TILOS Logo 300Construction of transmission lines is based on a package of activities that are repeated along a ROW (Right Of Way).

TILOS is a very good option for planning such projects because it can automate recurrent tasks insertion and also can connect the schedule with important data provided by reconnaissance survey.
On the vertical time axis, the calendar of the project will be displayed.

The horizontal distance axis will be adjusted to the length of the route and the following important details will be added along it:

  • Aerial view of the route, obtained from a CAD system
  • Location points and numbers for towers
  • Crossings with roads, railways, rivers or other transmission lines
  • Sectors for type of terrain, nature of soil strata, name of major towns, villages coming on route

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Construction tasks for towers will work on the same distance as the recommended width of the ROW and duration can be calculated by TILOS based on input quantities.

Tasks will be defined only for the first tower. TILOS can automatically insert the same recurrent task for all towers at the location points already defined along the distance axis. Links can also be created between tasks in the same time.

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The resulting schedule can be printed out from the time-distance diagram or from the Gantt chart with activities grouped by towers.

CADexpert NET is a team of professionals that can provide affordable consulting, project planning and software training services to companies across multiple industries.


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CADexpert NET este o companie romaneasca privata cu capital integral romanesc.
Competenta de baza a companiei este expertiza in solutiile CAD, BIM, Vizualizare si de Project Management specializat, pe care specialistii nostri le testeaza si implementeaza de peste 25 de ani in diverse domenii industriale si civile.
Oferim clientilor nostri solutii CAD 2D/3D, BIM, Vizualizare si de Project Management personalizate, indiferent de complexitate - licentiere software si servicii conexe – testate si adaptate fiecarui domeniu de activitate.
Solutiile oferite de noi respecta intotdeauna principiul eficientei economice, sunt concepute sa evite risipa resurselor financiare si au in vedere profitabilitatea in timp cat mai scurt pentru clienti. Prin munca noastra intelegem sa devenim parteneri si sa ne asociem cu clientul in asumarea responsabilitatilor lui.
Ne diferentiem prin promptitudinea, flexibilitatea si calitatea serviciilor oferite: consultanta, suport si instruire personalizata.
Suntem orientati pe rezultate si consideram ca avem obligatia sa ne tratam corect si responsabil toti partenerii si clientii si sa actionam in scopul beneficiului comun, intrucat avem convingerea ca doar succesul obtinut in echipa dureaza in timp.

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